Name zelo spodbujajoče in ustvarjalno vpliva tudi iskrena pohvala in konstruktivna kritika...vendar se zavedam kje živim in zato vem, da le redki Slovenci premorejo dati čista pristna čustva.
Very stimulating for me and gives me a great creative impact is sincere praise or constructive criticism of my work.
But because I'm aware where I live I know that very few Slovenes are able to share pure feelings.
Zato toliko bolj pogosto naletim na tipično značilnost Slovenceljnov... na kvazi dobre človečkice, ki so jih polna usta leporečja in se jim iz ust zliva en sam cuker...
... seveda samo dokler jim ne obrneš hrbta.
Therefore, I more often run into on average Slovenian women with typical characteristic ... on quasi sweet woman with mouth full of beautiful sugary words...
... only as long as you look at them, as long as you don't turned around...
...ko pa jim... ko se za tvojim hrbtom pokaže njihov pravi iz njihovih gobcev zlije vsa ta ima vedno osnovo v čisti nevoščljivost.
... when you do ... behind your back they show their true self ... from their muzzle come out just malice ... which always has a base in pure envy.
...nevoščljivost teh stvorov v meni sproži trmo, željo da jim pokažem boga in pol... in ta želja je moja najmočnejša ustvarjalna muza.
...envy from those creatures triggers in me stubbornness and the desire to prove them wrong... and this kind of desire is my the most productive creative muse.
Igranje z ostanki...zelo spominjajo na Jana R. Benzon tehniko / Playing with the left overs...this is very reminiscent of Jan Roberts Benzon's technique
Torej...vsi vi, ki imate tako veliko slabega za povedat o meni... moja pot je sicer težja, vendar sem jaz močnejša...zaradi vsega sem ponosna na to kar sem... ponosna sem nase!
Hvala vam za vašo zavist!
So...all of you who have so much bad to say about me ... you made my path harder... but that made me stronger and I'm proud what I am ... I'm proud of myself !
Thank you for your envy!
Very stimulating for me and gives me a great creative impact is sincere praise or constructive criticism of my work.
But because I'm aware where I live I know that very few Slovenes are able to share pure feelings.
Igranje z ostanki...zelo spominjajo na Jana R. Benzon tehniko / Playing with the left overs...this is very reminiscent of Jan Roberts Benzon's technique
Zato toliko bolj pogosto naletim na tipično značilnost Slovenceljnov... na kvazi dobre človečkice, ki so jih polna usta leporečja in se jim iz ust zliva en sam cuker...
... seveda samo dokler jim ne obrneš hrbta.
Therefore, I more often run into on average Slovenian women with typical characteristic ... on quasi sweet woman with mouth full of beautiful sugary words...
... only as long as you look at them, as long as you don't turned around...
...ko pa jim... ko se za tvojim hrbtom pokaže njihov pravi iz njihovih gobcev zlije vsa ta ima vedno osnovo v čisti nevoščljivost.
... when you do ... behind your back they show their true self ... from their muzzle come out just malice ... which always has a base in pure envy.
Igranje z ostanki...zelo spominjajo na Jana R. Benzon tehniko / Playing with the left overs...this is very reminiscent of Jan Roberts Benzon's technique
...nevoščljivost teh stvorov v meni sproži trmo, željo da jim pokažem boga in pol... in ta želja je moja najmočnejša ustvarjalna muza.
...envy from those creatures triggers in me stubbornness and the desire to prove them wrong... and this kind of desire is my the most productive creative muse.
Igranje z ostanki...zelo spominjajo na Jana R. Benzon tehniko / Playing with the left overs...this is very reminiscent of Jan Roberts Benzon's technique
Torej...vsi vi, ki imate tako veliko slabega za povedat o meni... moja pot je sicer težja, vendar sem jaz močnejša...zaradi vsega sem ponosna na to kar sem... ponosna sem nase!
Hvala vam za vašo zavist!
So...all of you who have so much bad to say about me ... you made my path harder... but that made me stronger and I'm proud what I am ... I'm proud of myself !
Thank you for your envy!
Čisto noro :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMa enkratno, res ful noro.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLudo, prekrasno. Meni izgleda kao imitacija tkanja.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuuuper zgleda...itak so pa vsa tvoja dela presežek! Nadaljuj svojo pot in se ne oziraj na druge!
OdgovoriIzbrišiZa dobrim konjem se praši......hvala, ker že dolga leta lahko občudujem izreden talent in ustvarjalno energijo!