Pri zadnjem projektu mi je ostalo kar nekaj prelivov...ker delam z Katom (ki se ne izsušuje tako hitro) bi jih lahko pustila tudi v plahticah....ampak zloženi v bloke zavzamejo manj prostora ;-)
With my last project I had left a few skinner blends ... because I'm working with Kato (which does not dry so quickly) I could left them in sheet form .... but stacked in blocks they take less space;-)
Kako vi shranite prelive?
How you save skinner blends?
Na tem linku je lušten pripomoček, ki vam pokaže kakšen bo izgledal preliv iz izbranih barv:
On this link is a cute gadget that shows you what it will look like skinner bland with selected colors:
In še grafični prikaz kako narediti različno intenzivne prelive in nekaj možnosti kako sestaviti Bargello vzorec:
And a graphical representation of how to make differing intensity gradients and few options how to make Bargello pattern:
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