Pa dajmo......dajmo še enkrat poskusit.
Here we go ... let's try again.
...plahtice in oblike iz delavnic D. Cormier / sheets and forms from D. Cormier workshops...
Ja spet je tisti čas v letu, ko me nekak po defoltu prime tista utopična iluzija, da bom v svoje blogersko življenje vnesla neke vrste red, periodično strukturo ki bi postala s časom rutina.
Yes, it is again that time of the year when I get sort by default one utopian illusion that I need to entered in my blogger life some kind of order, a periodic structure that would become routine over time.
Ja sem, poskušala sem ž očitno še nisem nehala poskušat...ker moja optimistična navdušenost še kar lebdi med mojimi možganskimi krivuljami...še kar upam, da mi pa enkrat res uspe :))))
Yes I did it, I tried before ... and obviously I haven't stopped trying... because my optimistic enthusiasm still hovering between my brain curves ... I still hope that once I'll be successful :))))
...plahtice iz delavnic D. Cormier / sheets from D. Cormier workshops...
Torej ponovno uvajam tematiko meseca, v maju je to : Ustvarjalni navdih
So here it is the theme of the month May : Creative inspiration
Where you get creative inspiration ?
Kaj naredite kadar ga ni, kadar se pojavi blokada?What you do when you don't have it, when you have a blockade?
Kaj za vas ustvarjalna blokada sploh pomeni?
What creative blockade is mean to you?
Se vam dogaja pogosto?
Is blockade happen often for you?Jaz si znam blokade (z najbolj nemogočimi pravili) ustvarit kar sama :P Ja, bravo jaz :)))
Ne resno...
...po marčevskih delavnicah sem namreč domov prinesla konkretno zalogo uporabnega tudi cel kup polykake, saj ostankov nisem po vsaki delanici skrbno shranila :(
Sometimes I can create blockade (with the most impossible rules) for myself : P Yes, bravo me :)))
No seriously ...
... after the March workshops I bring home a lot of useful stock of Fimo ... and a whole bunch of polykake because I didn't carefully stored leftovers after each workshop :(
...plahtice in oblike iz delavnic D. Cormier / sheets and forms from D. Cormier workshops...
Seveda bi lahko vse pospravila v škatlo z starim Fimom in bi bila stvar rešena...ampak ne, zadala sem si nalogo da ne delam z Katom dokler ne porabim te Fimo zaloge. tako je po nekajdnevnih matranjih z tem pocom, v meni nastal odpor...odpor, ki se je razvlekel v blokado...tako čisto tapravo blokado.
Of course I could put all away in a box with old Fimo clay... but no, I have set myself a task to not working with Kato until I don't spend this Fimo stock.
... and so, after several days trying to work with this clay, I created a resistance ... resistance, which is dragged me into the blockade... the real creativity blockade.
Po dveh tednih svaljkanja po kavču in nabiranja prahu na po mizi razstavljem materialu, sem uspela skupaj spacat le tehle prar Stekleničk upanja...dva obeska in broško.
After two weeks of chilling on the couch and accumulation of dust on material exhibited on my work table, I finally managed to do some Bottles of hope ... this two pendants and brooches.
...plahtice in oblike iz delavnic D. Cormier / sheets and forms from D. Cormier workshops...
Kaj naj še rečem, enostavno prekrasno, Klavdija. Čestitam.
OdgovoriIzbrišiO Marica, lepo te je videti tudi tukaj...hvala ti!