Velikost... pomembna , to ženske vemo vendar: Ali fotografije našega nakita lahko zavedejo kupce?
Womens know that size is important : P ... but still: Can our photos of jewelry misled our customers?
Anke Humpert
Dokler nisem videla spodnje slike mojih dveh ljubih "sošolk", mi zgornja fotografija ni dala pravih podatkov.
Until I didn't saw the picture of my two dear "schoolmates" below, the above photo didn't give me the right information.
Anke Humpert & Adriana Ayala
In, ko sem pozorno opazovala ostale fotografije, sem prišla do zaključka, da fotografije samega nakita nikakor ne pomagajo pri ocenjevanju njihove velikosti...
And when I watched with more attention others photos, I came to the conclusion that the photographs of jewelry itself, does not help us in assessing the size of the pieces...
Kathleen Halverson Dustin
Alice Stroppel & Kathleen Halverson Dustin
...najlažje je prikazati velikost, če je nakit slikan na vratu (prstu, zapestju, ušesnem mešičku)
ali pa ga med fotografiranjem držimo v rokah...
...the easiest way to show the size is, if we photographed jewelry on our neck (finger, wrist, ear follicle) or in our hands ...
Daniel Torres
Daniel Torres
...vendar to vedno ni mogoče narediti :(
...but this is not always possible to do :(
Včasih pomaga tudi, da ga slikamo ob ravnilu ali ob kovancu...ob nečem kar ima standardno velikost, da nam pomaga pri ocenjevanju slikanega nakita ;-)
Sometimes it also helps to take pictures with the ruler or with a simple coin ... with some objects that has a standard size and somehow help us in assessing the size of the displayed jewelry ;-)
Pa je velikost pomembna in nujna informacija za kupca? Po moje je, saj nihče ne mara kupovati mačka v žaklju ;-)
It is size important and necessary information for the customer? In my opinion it is, because no one likes to buy pig in a poke ;-)
PS: vse fotografije, ki niso moja last, so le izposojene iz neta in si jih ne lastim