... spominov bi rada odložila tukaj...na te moje spominske police, kamor odlagam vse tiste dogodke, ki so na nek svojstven način izjemni...drugačni od drugih v dobrem ali slabem. Že nekaj časa jih potiskam v praznino moje glave...zdaj pa sem se naveličala njihovega pestvanja. Enostavno morajo ven, tako ali drugače...in raje jih dam sem, kot da gredo v pozabo ;-)
Just a few memories I would like to postpone here ... on the shelves of my memories, on which I postpone all those events that are in an odd way exceptional ... different from others in good or bad.
For some time I pushed them into the void in my head ... but I'm tired of grooming them. They must get out, one way or another ... and I prefer to give them here and they will not go into oblivion ;-)
Po-poln silvestrov večer...od odziva do presenetljive jesenske ljubezni...do čoravega dolgorokega nasmeha od ušesa do ušesa z veselim klepetom
Perfect New Year's Eve ... from response to the striking autumn love... to partially sighted long-arm smile from ear to ear and happy chat
Par izjemnih umetnic me nominira skoraj na začetku verižne igre PolymerArtChallenge.
Couple of extraordinary artist nominated me in the game PolymerArtChallenge
V meni je čudna ustvarjalna "praznina" ki jo polnim z ustvarjanjem Stekleničk upanja.
In me is a strange creative emptiness that I filled up with creating Bottles of hope.
Moje delo je bilo objavljeno na Avstralski polymer strani in na strani, kjer sem mislila da me nikoli več ne bodo objavili... :)
My work was published in the Australian polymer web side and also on the web side where I thought I'll never again be published... :)
In potem je tukaj največja novica, popoln užitek...Kreativni teden v Mariboru... ki bo začinjen z ljudmi po mojem okusu in zalit z kozarcem Traminca iz KGBja ;-)
And then there is the greatest news, pure joy ... Creative Week in Maribor ... which will be seasoned with people of my taste... and filled with a glass of wine from KGB;-)
Just a few memories I would like to postpone here ... on the shelves of my memories, on which I postpone all those events that are in an odd way exceptional ... different from others in good or bad.
For some time I pushed them into the void in my head ... but I'm tired of grooming them. They must get out, one way or another ... and I prefer to give them here and they will not go into oblivion ;-)
Po-poln silvestrov večer...od odziva do presenetljive jesenske ljubezni...do čoravega dolgorokega nasmeha od ušesa do ušesa z veselim klepetom
Perfect New Year's Eve ... from response to the striking autumn love... to partially sighted long-arm smile from ear to ear and happy chat
Par izjemnih umetnic me nominira skoraj na začetku verižne igre PolymerArtChallenge.
Couple of extraordinary artist nominated me in the game PolymerArtChallenge
V meni je čudna ustvarjalna "praznina" ki jo polnim z ustvarjanjem Stekleničk upanja.
In me is a strange creative emptiness that I filled up with creating Bottles of hope.
Do mene vse svoje polymer stvari prinese ustvarjalna duša, ki je nehala delati v polymeru...pomeče mi vse stvari iz predalov logike in me pusti popolnoma osuplo. Hvala ti Tina!
All her stuff brings to me one artistic soul, which stopped working with polymer but I still hope she will start one day again... she sweep all the things in my drawers of logic and leave me completely stunned. Thank you Tina!
Prvič v življenju dobim plačilni ček iz tujine v običajni kuverti, skriti med reklamami :P
For the first time in my life I get a payment check from abroad in customary envelope :P
Ko jo na šihtu obiščem in med z obvezno čik pavzo dobim okus zvodenelosti in željo po ne več :(
Razpoke me obsedejo in naredijo prvo mednarodno delavnico v Ljubljani.
Visit with obligatory cigarette pause gets a taste dilution and desire for no more :(
Cracks obsessed me and make the first international workshop in Ljubljana.
Moje delo je bilo objavljeno na Avstralski polymer strani in na strani, kjer sem mislila da me nikoli več ne bodo objavili... :)
My work was published in the Australian polymer web side and also on the web side where I thought I'll never again be published... :)
V ozadju pa imajo maili svoje življenje...podobnosti so vsakič večje in besede vsakič bolj domače...dejstvo, da bo kmalu na dosegu roke ima svoj žmoht.
In the background, mails have their own life ... the similarities are each time bigger and words are every time more familiar ... the fact that will soon be at fingertips has its own taste.
In potem je tukaj največja novica, popoln užitek...Kreativni teden v Mariboru... ki bo začinjen z ljudmi po mojem okusu in zalit z kozarcem Traminca iz KGBja ;-)
And then there is the greatest news, pure joy ... Creative Week in Maribor ... which will be seasoned with people of my taste... and filled with a glass of wine from KGB;-)
Pohitite z prijavami na delavnice...se vidimo!
Hurry up with the registrations for the workshops ... see you soon!