četrtek, 17. julij 2014
torek, 8. julij 2014
Poletje je!
Ja končno je tisti čas v letu...ko se preko kožnih por znebimo vseh nesnag, ki so se nabrale v nas...ko so jutra ravno takrat, da si lahko sončni vzhod ogledaš pred spanjem...ko vsak dan razmišljaš kam bi si šel zmočit noge, kljub temu da veš da se ti nikomor ne da it...
Yes finally is that time of year ... when through the skin pores get rid of all the dirt that has accumulated in us ... when the sunrise is just before you going to bed ... when you dreaming every day where would you go to get your feet wet, even though you know that you don't wanna go anywhere ...
To je tudi čas, ko se moram privaditi na popoldanske kave v ednini...ko je glava polna novih idej in načrtov za jesen...
This is also the time when I have to get used to in singular afternoon coffee... when the head is full of new ideas and plans for autumn...
Skušam urediti misli...izvesti nekaj idej ...in določiti poti, ki me čakajo...
I'm trying to edit my thoughts...carry out some ideas...and define the paths that awaiting me ...
Poseben čas je! Uživajte tudi vi!
It's special time. Enjoy it!
Yes finally is that time of year ... when through the skin pores get rid of all the dirt that has accumulated in us ... when the sunrise is just before you going to bed ... when you dreaming every day where would you go to get your feet wet, even though you know that you don't wanna go anywhere ...
To je tudi čas, ko se moram privaditi na popoldanske kave v ednini...ko je glava polna novih idej in načrtov za jesen...
This is also the time when I have to get used to in singular afternoon coffee... when the head is full of new ideas and plans for autumn...
Skušam urediti misli...izvesti nekaj idej ...in določiti poti, ki me čakajo...
I'm trying to edit my thoughts...carry out some ideas...and define the paths that awaiting me ...
Poseben čas je! Uživajte tudi vi!
It's special time. Enjoy it!
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